Avanade - Together We Go Beyond
Avanade needed a video to launch their new employee recruitment campaign that depicted the meaning behind their global Employee Value Proposition. When creating this video, we wanted to celebrate Avanade’s diversity and global presence - as well as the strong, connected culture that potential recruits could envision themselves being a part of.
I worked with our copywriter from from start to finish on the visual concepting of this video - from the initial storyboarding phase, to the animated final execution.
Visual Storytelling
Utilizing Avanade’s existing brand elements, I added visual interest and movement in the first scenes by clipping footage
of employees from around the globe and moving the ‘camera’ in all directions to reveal them. The video moves quickly
through employee footage blended with typographic animation - all timed to match the music track.
MMerging the digital & physical environment
Throughout the video, a prominent visual style I implemented was the interaction of real video footage with 2D graphics. Based on what I know about Avanade from collaborating with them on many projects through my current agency, I’ve learned the importance of emphasizing the relationship between people + technology. Therefore, in this video it was exciting to look into visual routes that illustrated this integration.
Project Details
Summary of Work: Storyboarding, Creative Concepting, Video Editing, Animation, Voice Over